Baltic Warriors: Helsinki

11.09.2015 - 12.09.2015 Helsinki

kauhu, realismi, kaupunkipeli

The Baltic Sea is being destroyed, fish die, blue-green algae spreads. International activists, experts, politicians, interest groups and lobbyists convene to decide, what should be done. At the same time, something strange is happening in the oxygen-deprived depths. Viking zombies rise from the sea and sow destruction among the conference.

Throughout the summer of 2015, we will play seven larps in seven cities: Tallinn, St Petersburg, Sopot, Kiel, Copenhagen, Stockholm and the grand finale in Helsinki! The story moves from game to game, and players from all six previous games can come and play their characters in Finland.

The world of Baltic Warriors is basically the same one we are living in. The only difference is that in autumn 2014, viking zombies rose from the sea and appeared in a political gathering in central Helsinki, Finland. Most scientists agree that in the "dead zones" of Baltic Sea, where there's no oxygen, zombification of human or animal bodies can happen. However, it is still considered a rare phenomenon. The dead zones are caused by eutrophication.

Participants receive a role in the story: a politician, an activist, a lobbyist or another stakeholder in the environmental debate. The player's task is to advance their own interests, but also save the city from the attack of blood-thirsty zombie vikings. As everyone knows, eutrophication causes the undead to walk from the wrecks on the seafloor and attack the living.

The Helsinki game will be longer and more intensive than the previous games. It will be a full-scale city game, with workshops on Friday evening followed by the actual game on Saturday, lasting the whole day.

After the larp, there will be a panel discussion about the issues in the game, and how they connect to the real world. For the panel discussion, decision makers from the world of environmental politics will be invited.

All games are free of charge, and meant for both people who have never larped before, as well as those who already have larp experience.

All games will be documented using photo and video.

This event is organised by Kinomaton Berlin in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut Finland, supported by Goethe-Institut Denmark. The lead designer is Mike Pohjola, and the larp producer Juhana Pettersson.

The event will be held in English. Event in FB: